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Second Quarter 2022

This year is off to a great start for University Credit Union. In just the first few months, we made significant progress on our strategic goals, and celebrated our great University Community in a number of ways.

System Conversion Completed

On February 1, we completed our system conversion with Chabot FCU. Our newest members now have seamless access to the full breadth of UCU products and services, including mobile and online banking, the potential to earn up to 5.00% APY* on their University Checking Account, and of course, our Best Rates in the Nation Guarantee.1 It has been a pleasure to welcome Chabot FCU into the UCU Community and we are excited to continue growing together.

Supporting University Champions

UCU was once again the Proud Sponsor of the University Credit Union WCC Basketball Tournament, as well as a sponsor for the Big West Conference Basketball Tournament. There's nothing quite like the thrill of March Madness, and it was an honor to cheer on those student athletes in person in Vegas as they battled for victory. Supporting the University Community at these events is such an exciting part of UCU's efforts, but just as fulfilling is the ability to help further students' educational goals through our annual scholarship. This year we increased the amount of our scholarship to $5,000, to help these students on their educational journey. We were proud to once again award scholarships to three academic champions at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Seeing the difference we can make in students' lives is the biggest thrill of all.

Grand Opening at St. Mary's College

In our continued efforts to be everywhere our members are, we marked the grand opening of our new Saint Mary's College Banking Hub. Having an on-campus presence gives us the opportunity for face-to-face interactions with our members. We are available for any questions you may have about your current or future financial health. Stop by Dryden Hall to explore the new center, better yet - bring a friend to learn about the benefits of membership in UCU.

Here for You Always, In All Ways

We know our members may be feeling the strain of recent economic changes. It's one of several reasons we recently made the organizational decision to stop charging overdraft fees. We want to remind you that your credit union is here to help you. We will weather the ups and downs together, and do everything we can to ensure UCU continues to give you a financial advantage. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us when you need assistance. We are here for you.

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