Privacy Policy
We're transparent about the ways we protect your privacy
- Member Privacy Policy about Member Privacy Policy
What does University Credit Union do with your personal information?
Financial companies choose who they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.
The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:
- Social Security number and income
- Account balances and transaction history
- Payment history and credit score
All financial companies need to share member's personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their member's personal information; the reason University Credit Union chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.
Reasons we can share your personal information Does University Credit Union Share? Can you limit this sharing? For our everyday business purposes — such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus Yes No For our marketing purposes — to offer our products and services to you Yes No For joint marketing with other financial companies Yes Yes For our affiliates' everyday business purposes — information about your transactions and experiences No We don't share For our affiliates' everyday business purposes — information about your credit worthiness No We don't share For our affiliates to market to you No We don't share For nonaffiliates to market to you No We don't share Other important information
California law limits an institution from sharing information for joint marketing unless we have provided you an opportunity to opt-out of the sharing.
You have the right to control whether we share some of your personal information.
Who we are
Who is providing this notice?
University Credit Union
What we do
How does University Credit Union protect my personal information?
To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.
How does University Credit Union collect my personal information?
We collect your personal information when you
- Open an account or deposit money
- Pay your bills or apply for a loan
- Use your credit or debit card
We also collect you personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, or other companies.
Why can't I limit all sharing?
Federal law gives you the right to limit only
- sharing for affiliates' everyday business purposes--information about your credit worthiness
- affiliates from using your information to market to you
- sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you
State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing. See below for more on your rights under state law.
What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else?
Your choices will apply to everyone on your account.
Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.
- University Credit Union does not share with affiliates.
Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.
- University Credit Union does not share with non-affiliates so they can market to you.
Joint marketing
A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.
- Joint marketing partners we share with can include insurance companies and agents.
To limit our sharing
Call 800.UCU.4510 or fill out the form below.
Please note: If you are a new member, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are no longer our member, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing.
- California Financial Information Privacy Act about California Financial Information Privacy Act
Important Privacy Choices for Consumers
You have the right to control whether we share some of your personal information. Please read the following information carefully before you make your choices below.
Your Rights
You have the following rights to restrict the sharing of personal and financial information with our affiliates (companies we own or control) and outside companies that we do business with. Nothing in this form prohibits the sharing of information necessary for us to follow the law, as permitted by law, or to give you the best service on your accounts with us. This includes sending you information about some other products or services.
You may make your privacy choice(s) at any time. Your choice(s) marked here will remain unless you state otherwise. However, if we do not hear from you, we may share some of your information with affiliated companies and other companies with whom we have contracts to provide products and services
- California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) about California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
Your Personal Information Protections
What is Personal Information?
Personal Information. Under California law your "Personal Information" includes the following data that identifies, relates to or may be associated with you:
- Demographic information (i.e., name, address, email),
- A unique identifier, such as an IP address,
- Account or Social Security Number,
- Driver's license, state ID card, or passport,
- Personal property records,
- Card numbers,
- Access codes (PINs and passwords),
- Online activity,
- Biometric, geolocation, employment, and education data,
- Browsing and search history, and
- Information concerning a consumer's interaction with a website.
- Personal information also includes information that is identifiable to your household.
University Credit Union Collection of Member Personal Information
Categories of Member Personal Information we collect
Your personal information that we collect may include:
- Personal identifier information: name, email address, social security number, driver's license number, access codes.
- Account and transaction information: account number, card number, account information, transaction information, and credit information and required consents, opt-in and opt-out requests.
Where we collect Member Personal Information
We may collect the categories of personal information listed above when you: visit our website or submit an online application, conduct any advisory center, mail or online transaction, send us an email, or phone inquiry.
University Credit Union Use and Sharing of Member Personal Information
Purposes for which University Credit Union uses and shares Member Personal Information
How we may use Member Personal Information
We may use each category of personal information we collect for the following purposes:
- To verify the identity of the person conducting the account transaction or inquiry with us or our service providers
- To fulfill account or service requests that you initiate
- To prevent fraud or meet legal requirements.
We have never sold and we will not sell any of your personal information to anyone.
How we may share Member Personal Information
We may share your personal identifiable information with 1) our third-party service providers and payment processor to facilitate your services or transactions, or 2) other financial companies with whom we have a joint marketing agreement that protects your personal information.
How long we will retain Member Personal Information
We will retain your personal information so long as we need to use such information to maintain your account and services and as otherwise required by law, subject to your right to request us to delete your personal information.
Your Rights To Protect Your Personal Information
Right to request access to your Personal Information
- You have a right to access your personal information that we have collected. Upon your request by mail, email or in person to University Credit Union, we will disclose any of the following information requested:
- The categories of personal information collected;
- The sources from which personal information was collected;
- Our purpose for collecting the information;
- The categories of third parties with whom we share personal information;
- The specific pieces of your personal information we have collected.
Right to request your Personal Information be deleted
You have the right to request that we delete personal information about you that we have collected. Upon your verifiable request by mail, email, or in person to University Credit Union, we will delete the information and direct our service providers to delete the information from its records unless we or service provider needs the personal information.
The following are the exceptions where University Credit Union and our service providers need the personal information to maintain and service your account and cannot delete the information:
- To process your transactions for which the personal information was collected,
- To provide the account or service requested,
- To detect security incidents; protect against fraudulent, or illegal activity;
- To identify and correct any University Credit Union systems errors,
- To comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act;
- To operate the systems and applications to maintain your accounts and services,
- To comply with a legal obligation or in a lawful manner compatible with the context in which you provided the information
Right to correct inaccurate information
You have the right to request University Credit Union to correct any personal information of yours that is inaccurate.
Right to opt-out of sharing or the sale of your Personal Information
You have the right to opt-out of any sharing of your personal information by University Credit Union with third parties, except our sharing with (i) our third-party service providers and payment transaction processors to facilitate your services or transactions, or (ii) other financial companies with whom we have a joint marketing agreement that protects your sensitive personal information.
University Credit Union does not sell any member personal information to any third party.
Your Sensitive Personal Information Protections
What is Sensitive Personal Information?
Sensitive Personal Information. Under California law your "Sensitive Personal Information" means Personal Information that reveals information about your:
- Social Security Number,
- Driver's license, state ID card, or passport number,
- Account access(log-in) credentials and account/card number in combination with a security/access code (PIN/Password) to access your account,
- Precise Geolocation or biometric identification data about you,
- Racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs or union membership, or sexual orientation,
- Contents of your email, mail or text messages unless University Credit Union is the intended recipient, and
- Genetic personal information.
University Credit Union collection of Member Sensitive Personal Information
Categories of Member Sensitive Personal Information we collect
Your sensitive personal information that we collect may include:
- Social Security Number,
- Driver's license, state ID card, or passport number,
- Account access credentials,
- Geolocation or biometric data about you,
- Racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs or union membership, or sexual orientation, and
- Contents of your email, mail, or text messages unless University Credit Union is the intended recipient.
Purposes for which University Credit Union uses and shares Member Sensitive Personal Information
How we may use Member Sensitive Personal Information
We may use each category of sensitive personal information we collect for the following purposes:
- To verify the identity of the person conducting the account transaction or inquiry with us or our service providers
- To fulfill account or service requests that you initiate
- To prevent fraud or meet legal requirements.
We have never sold, and we will not sell any of your sensitive personal information to anyone.How we may share Member Sensitive Personal Information
We may share your sensitive personal identifiable information with 1) our third-party service providers and payment transaction processors to facilitate your services or transactions, or 2) other financial companies with whom we have a joint marketing agreement that protects your sensitive personal information.
How long we will retain Member Sensitive Personal Information
We will retain your sensitive personal information so long as we need to use such information to maintain your account and services and as otherwise required by law, subject to your right request us to delete your sensitive personal information
Your rights to protect your Sensitive Personal Information
Right to limit the use and disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information
You have the right to request University Credit Union to limit the use and disclosure of the following sensitive personal information of yours for purposes other than what is reasonable and beneficial to you: precise geolocation data; racial and ethnic origin; contents of certain email or text messages, and biometric information.
Additional Rights and Protections
Right to equal services and pricing
You have the right to receive equal service and pricing from us even if you choose to exercise any of your privacy rights. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of the consumer's rights, including:
- denying accounts or services to you;
- charging different prices or rates for accounts or services or imposing penalties;
- providing a different level or quality of accounts or services to you or suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for accounts or services or a different level or quality of accounts or services
How to submit requests to University Credit Union or contact us for more information
You may submit your requests to University Credit Union as follows:
In person - at any University Credit Union Advisory Center
Mail - University Credit Union, 1500 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
Web - Make a submission via the CCPA Request Form below
You may designate an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf by providing us with your written authorization of the agent and nature of your request.
We will verify your request by using our current authentication practices including matching the identity information you provide with your request with your personal information we maintain on file.
Additional online privacy protections
Use of Cookies. University Credit Union uses cookies when you visit our website. These cookies are essential for enabling user movement around our website and providing access to features such as your member-only resources, online banking, and other secure areas of the website. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing purposes and do not remember where you have been on the internet and University Credit Union does not track or sell this data. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.
California Do Not Track Disclosures. Certain web browsers offer a "Do Not Track" (DNT) option that permits users to select a preference not to have information about web browsing activities monitored and collected. Our website will not honor DNT signals from you and we will not monitor or collect information of your browsing activity.
Access to and amendments to privacy policy
Our Privacy Policy is posted on our website ucu.org
You can reach us: Toll-free at 800.UCU.4510
University Credit Union may update this Privacy Notice at any time to reflect changes in our business, legal or regulatory requirements. If we may make any material changes to this Privacy Notice we will notify you before the changes are effective by mail or email if you have chosen email communication. Any changes to this Privacy Notice will be effective on the date we designate as the effective date or as required by law. Please visit this page for our current Privacy Notice.
- Internet Guidelines about Internet Guidelines
Protecting Online Applications
When you apply online for accounts or use the Home Branch online banking service, you provide personal information that is necessary for us to process your application. To ensure that your information remains confidential, all sessions are established with Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SSL encrypts and decodes all data transmitted only between your browser and the UCU server.It is recommended that when using a browser containing any personal data, that you end the browser session so other users or persons do not have access to your personal information.
Information Collected and Stored Automatically
For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, UCU employs software programs to monitor Web site traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or modify information, or otherwise cause damage.UCU also uses software programs to collect statistical information about the use of UCU's Web site and applications contained therein. Programs are used to create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. No personal information, such as your name or address is collected or used for this analysis. We collect no information that would identify you personally, unless you give your authorization for us to retain that information. Any data automatically stored is kept as the confidential records of the credit union and is not sold or distributed in part or whole to any third party. Regarding "do not track" signals, UCU does not use tracking information or pass this type of information to third parties.
Account and Device Security
It is your responsibility to protect the integrity of your Password and account access information. In order to prevent unauthorized transactions and/or account access you agree to ensure the security of the electronic device you use to access your account information (computer, laptop, phone, tablet or other computing device). A best practice is to install antivirus and spyware software and keep it current, and use a password and/or firewall. Another is to password protect your device in order to gain access to the programs. If you grant online account access to a non-signer, you will be financially liable for all unauthorized access, loss or misuse. You are liable for all transactions up to the date that you report unauthorized access, loss or misuse to UCU.Access of Online Banking
There is no charge to use online banking, through a mobile application or though wireless services. You, the user, are responsible for any message and data rates that may apply from your wireless service providers and/or wireless carriers. Access to online banking, though any device, is limited to the availability of online services, wi-fi access or wireless service and is not the responsibility of University Credit Union. The credit union works to maintain consistent access to account information through all online banking applications, but does not guarantee access. There may be times where the service may experience periodic downtime due isolated events such as, but not limited to, power outages, line malfunctions, server interruptions, server maintenance, service updates or any other event in which access would become temporarily unavailable.Use of Cookies on the UCU Web Site
UCU only utilizes the use of cookies in its Home Branch application. For each logon session, a cookie is maintained only to verify that the user receiving the information is the user that logged on. Once you terminate your session on Home Branch, the cookie is no longer valid.UCU contracts with affiliated parties to provide other Web-based applications. These services, usually housed on the affiliate servers, may employ the use of cookies to administer their application.
Information Collected from E-mails and Web Forms
UCU uses personally identifiable information from an electronic mail message containing a question or comment or from a form that e-mails us information to fulfill a request for information or to respond to your requests. UCU reserves the right to store these requests to assist us in following up or maintaining service quality of requests or to provide us with information for future improvements to our Web site. We may forward your electronic message or request to other employees who are better able to respond to your particular need. We do not create individual profiles with the information you provide. UCU may keep e-mail addresses or data that you personally authorize us to keep (for internal marketing or promotional purposes).Service Changes or Updates
The information and material contained within these pages, and the terms, conditions and descriptions that appear, may be updated without notice. University Credit Union's online account services will be modified from time to time to add new services and enhance existing services.Protecting Children's Privacy Online
From our web sites, we do not knowingly collect or use personal information from children under 13 years of age.Links to Other Sites
To provide you with greater access of information, UCU maintains a list of links to other sites. This is provided as a service to our membership. UCU has no control over these sites and is not responsible for the contents or privacy practices of these sites. UCU makes no warranty about the quality or adequacy of services provided by or through these other sites with respect to services and products provided nor whether these sites will maintain the confidentiality of member information or whether the information will be distributed to other third parties. - Google Analytics about Google Analytics
UCU uses Google Analytics, a service that uses "cookies" to track anonymous information regarding your activities on this site. This includes information about your visit including your device type, traffic source and geographic area, as well as pages visited and links clicked. Some behavioral data may be provided by Google "cookies" that shows your gender and age range. This data is used to better understand how visitors access this site and provide a better overall user experience.
To opt out of Google's cookies, click here. To opt out of third-party cookies, click here.
- Google Adwords and Remarketing about Google Adwords and Remarketing UCU uses "cookies" to benefit our marketing campaigns. This includes tracking when campaigns result in a conversion, such as a user showing interest in a specific product. These "cookies" can also be used to present you with advertisements based on your actions on this site.
- Facebook Pixel about Facebook Pixel
UCU uses the Facebook Pixel to track activity on this site potentially including pages visited and links clicked. This data is used to track the effectiveness of our Facebook posts and advertisements, as well as to build remarketing audiences based on actions taken on this site.
UCU takes your privacy seriously and ensures that no personally identifying information is stored in the "cookies."
To opt out of Google's cookies, click here. To opt out of third-party cookies, click here.
- Social Media Participation Guidelines about Social Media Participation Guidelines
UCU engages on several social media channels to foster two-way communication with our members and online community. Adhering to these social media participation guidelines, our member privacy notice and the terms of use for each social media platform, we encourage members and non-members to join the conversation on these channels.
Personal Conduct
We ask participants on our social media sites to treat each other, and our employees, with respect. While this is an open forum, we intend to maintain a friendly environment. Please use appropriate language at all times when posting and/or commenting.
While we encourage member and non-member participation, we cannot and will not respond to every comment. Not responding to or acting on a comment should not be seen as an acceptance of or endorsement of that comment.
UCU is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for content posted by third parties. Participants may report inappropriate content to abuse@ucu.org.
By submitting any content, you grant UCU the right to use this content in any and all UCU websites, including social media channels, print and other media, without payment or any other considerations.
To ensure informative, lawful, productive and respectful dialogue, we will review comments and reserve the right to hide or remove any posts or comments that include:
- Confidential Content - Because participation on our social media channels is done at your own risk, you are taking personal responsibility for your posts, comments, username and any information you provide. Please do not post any confidential information about yourself or others.
- Illegal Activity - Social media activity that contains any suggestion or encouragement of unlawful behavior are not permissible. In addition, comments and posts that seek to defame or defraud any financial, commercial, or non-governmental agency is not permitted. Furthermore, comments and posts must not violate laws that govern the use of copyrights, trade secrets, or any other intellectual property.
- Offensive Language - Profane or provocative language in comments and posts will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to abusive, derogatory, disparaging, explicit, graphic, hateful, inflammatory, obscene, offensive, racial, threatening, sexually explicit language or racial language.
- Off Topic - Posts and comments that deviate greatly from the overall theme of a particular discussion thread may be subject to removal.
- Photo Uploads - Posts and comments containing photos will not be accepted unless specifically requested by an authorized representative of UCU for a contest or other business-related purpose. In these instances, pictures will be reviewed and will not be posted if deemed inappropriate.
- Privacy Breaches - If you object to certain content, we would like to discuss with you, but ask that you please refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful of others. Please do not post comments, photos, videos, links or any other content that infringes upon the rights of any person or company, including intellectual property, privacy or publicity rights. You also must not impersonate another person or organization.
- Spam-like Solicitations - Comments, post and links focused on selling a product or service are not permitted. In addition, driving traffic to a particular website for personal, political or monetary gain is also not permitted.
- Underage Users - Content from individuals under the age of 13 will not be allowed.
- Web Links - Posts and comments in HTML Format (or URLs) may not be accepted if deemed to be inappropriate or commercial. Please use plain text.
Comments are reviewed and monitored, but not controlled by UCU. UCU reserves the right to remove, without notice and at our sole discretion, any content that violates these guidelines or does not adhere to the intent of our social media channels. Also, UCU reserves the right to block any user from participating in our social media channels at any time without notice for violating these guidelines.
Employee Information
UCU does not endorse any comments made by our employees unless they are an authorized representative of the credit union. UCU does not validate assertions or forward-thinking statements in the comments. All statements and viewpoints expressed in the comments are strictly those of the commenter alone, and do not constitute an official position of UCU unless they are posted by the site administrator (who is an authorized representative of the credit union) or by a subject matter expert responding on behalf of the credit union.
If you are a UCU employee, you must not misrepresent yourself or UCU on social media channels and online communities. Unless you are authorized to speak on behalf of UCU, you must state that the views expressed are your own, especially when commenting on the credit union. If we feel the nature of your comment is confidential, shares information not generally available, or recommends an action which could adversely affect the credit union or our members, we reserve the right to remove your comments. Please do not post content that is abusive, defamatory, disruptive, embarrassing, illegal, obscene, threatening, abusive, embarrassing or disruptive in any way. As an integral part of our online community, thank you for helping maintain the integrity of our social media channels by representing yourself and UCU in a respectful manner.
Please Note
On a reoccurring basis, UCU may sponsor contests on these social media channels, most often powered by a third-party application. These applications may have their own rules and terms for usage, which will be specified within those contests.
Sometimes, UCU may also engage on blogs and online news sites that are relevant to the credit union. In these instances, it will be made known that the content is being generated on those sites by UCU.
The appearance of external links on our social media channels does not constitute an official endorsement by UCU.
UCU reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time without notice at its sole discretion.
By participating on our social media channels, you agree to these terms.
If you have any questions about these guidelines, please call 424.320.4700 or email us.
Relevant resources
Learning center
University Credit Union offers membership to employees, students and alumni of UCLA, Pepperdine University, Loyola Marymount University, Santa Clara University, Saint Mary's College, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC San Diego, Georgia Tech, University of Texas at Arlington, Abilene Christian University, Mount St. Mary's University, Chabot College and Las Positas College, West Coast Conference Universities, Western Athletic Conference Universities, and other universities throughout California. UCU offers a variety of products and services including checking accounts, credit cards, home mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, commercial loans, insurance, investments, as well as digital banking.